
Filtering posts by tags with Jekyll

March 18, 2015

The blog section has been redesigned to take advantage of Jekyll's tags. Now, it's possible to filter posts by tags and see related posts.

To get started, I came across this blog, which shows how to list all the site tags and display all the posts by tag. I expanded upon this by doing the following:

  • Sort and display all the site tags
  • Show only the list of posts related to a tag when that tag is clicked
  • In a post, sort and display its tags, which then link to related posts

The following HTML shows how to sort and display the site tags:

{% raw %} <ul class="blog-tags-list"> {% assign sorted_tags = site.tags | sort %} {% for tag in sorted_tags %} {% assign t = tag | first %} {% assign posts = tag | last %} <li class="blog-tag-item" id="{{ t }}-item"> <a href onclick="filter('{{ t }}'); return false;">{{ t }}</a> </li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% endraw %}

Note that the onclick attribute is used in the anchor tag to call a JavaScript function, filter(tag). This adds the active class to the selected list item and changes it to a different color (setActiveTag(tag)). It also shows the corresponding list of posts for the selected tag (showContainer(tag))... we'll get to that in a moment. The call to onclick also returns false to prevent the default link behavior, which is to follow the link.

The full JavaScript code is given below:

function filter(tag) { setActiveTag(tag); showContainer(tag); } function setActiveTag(tag) { // loop through all items and remove active class var items = document.getElementsByClassName('blog-tag-item'); for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++) { items[i].setAttribute('class', 'blog-tag-item'); } // set the selected tag's item to active var item = document.getElementById(tag + '-item'); if(item) { item.setAttribute('class', 'blog-tag-item active'); } } function showContainer(tag) { // loop through all lists and hide them var lists = document.getElementsByClassName('blog-list-container'); for(var i=0; i < lists.length; i++) { lists[i].setAttribute('class', 'blog-list-container hidden'); } // remove the hidden class from the list corresponding to the selected tag var list = document.getElementById(tag + '-container'); if(list) { list.setAttribute('class', 'blog-list-container'); } }

The following HTML shows how to list the corresponding posts by tag:

{% raw %} {% for tag in site.tags %} {% assign t = tag | first %} {% assign posts = tag | last %} <div class="blog-list-container hidden" id="{{ t }}-container"> <ul class="blog-list"> {% for post in posts %} {% if post.tags contains t %} <li> <span class="blog-item-date">{{ post.date | date: "%d %b %Y" }}</span> <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a> </li> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </ul> {% assign numPosts = posts | size %} {% if numPosts == 1 %} <p>{{ posts | size }} post containing tag <b>{{ t }}</b></p> {% else %} <p>{{ posts | size }} posts containing tag <b>{{ t }}</b></p> {% endif %} </div> {% endfor %} {% endraw %}

The hidden class is added to all the lists to start and is removed for the appropriate list of posts when showContainer(tag) is called (see the JavaScript code above). The hidden class is provided by Bootstrap, but you can manually add it into your own CSS file:

.hidden { display: none!important; visibility: hidden!important; }

I also wanted to provide links to related posts when a user is reading a given post. So, in the post layout, I provide a hashed link to the blog page for each tag:

{% raw %} {% assign sorted_tags = page.tags | sort %} {% for tag in sorted_tags %} <span class="tag"><a href="/blog/#{{ tag }}">{{ tag }}</a></span> {% endfor %} {% endraw %}

When a user clicks on a tag, the blog page loads, and the hash is then used to show the appropriate list of posts by calling filter(tag):

if(window.location.hash) { var tag = window.location.hash.split('#')[1]; filter(tag); }

And that's pretty much it! To see it used in context, feel free to take a look at this website's source code on GitHub.