
Getting started with Next.js and TypeScript

March 11, 2022


Next.js is a great framework for building web applications. But, there's a little bit of extra work required for TypeScript support. next-ts-template solves this problem by letting you get up & running with all the boilerplate code you need.

The Template Repository

next-ts-template comes configured with the following:

  • The latest version of Next.js (which as of this writing is 12.0.7)
  • Support for TypeScript
  • ESLint & Prettier: for enforcing good practices with TypeScript & Next.js / React
  • husky & lint-staged: for Git pre-commit hooks (prevents you from committing code with any ESLint errors)

Using the Template

To use next-ts-template:

  • Click the green button labeled, Use this template
  • Select the desired Owner of the repository
  • Type in the name for the repository
  • Add an optional description
  • Select the desired visibility of the repository (Public or Private)
  • De-select the option, Include all branches

The form should look something like this:

New Repo

Click Create repository from template and after a few moments, the new repository page should be available on GitHub.

Cloning & Running the New Project

Clone the new repository with git clone. Then, to run it:

# Install the dependencies yarn # Run the application in development mode yarn dev

The web application should be up & running at http://localhost:3000.

App Running